Day 7: Count-down to the Los Angeles Marathon

By Colleen Yorke
Navigational Art and Directions By Colleen Yorke, © 2015.
Last night I saw Forrest Gump again. A lot can be said about this simple, uncomplicated soul, who, armed with a little home-spun wit and with enormous generosity of spirit, relates his mother's maxims about how a box of chocolates is like life, and what shoes reveal about people. His road-marked running shoes certainly have been everywhere. A runner all his life, Forrest runs to leave his past behind. It is only much later in the film that he understands the past is already part of him. 
Today many of us will be watching the Oscars, the 86th year of what is the best of the best from Hollywood's dream factory. Why do we watch every year? Is it the glitz and glamor of show business? Or, is it the touching acceptance speeches of larger-than-life stars reaching out to family members, mentors and friends who helped them achieve the role of their lives? Maybe a little of both.

We are part of all that we have met. We learn we cannot run from the past and from what has been. Strangers will continue to cross our paths, as they have before, and some will leave lasting footprints in our hearts. It is the past that made us to who we are today. With the Los Angeles Marathon being only seven days away, let us cherish the people in our lives and remember those in our pasts. Who inspired us to run? Who accompanied us on our first long run? Who will wait for us when we enter that finish line?

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get.